As a business owner, you know there are literally a MILLION decisions you have to make. What website platform to use? How will you brand? What is your marketing strategy? How will you keep track of expenses and budget for the future? What type of business entity will I be? What software will you use to accomplish (and keep track of!) the day to day tasks? All these things, on top of everything else you have going on in your life. Phew! Just looking at this list makes me nauseous. #notpregnant

Come back a few years with me, I have a story to tell.
So the old Morgan would get a new inquiry... wahoo! It might take her a couple days to reply, because well, #momlife. By this point, if the inquiry even responded back, it was something like "oh, we already hired another photog!" More often than not, it was #crickets.
If, perchance, this inquiry DID get back to her, #wootwoot!
....but inevitably, she would get so lost in the back and forth of things (i.e : when do you want to book? What location do you want? Tell me more about your family! Great, here is where you can pay your deposit .....5 days later.... Wait, did they actually pay their deposit? ....Shoot. Send reminder e-mail. Send follow up e-mail. Remind to pay remainder 1 week before the session...also, reminder of all session info 1 week before the session...ummm, where are we shooting again? What time? Have I hired a babysitter yet? Will it be raining that day? I should check the weather...) By this point, all the kids have the flu and I'm not functioning because the baby woke up 5 times last night. So the possibility of keeping a handle on all of this? 0%. With 100% certainty.
The old Morgan had a lot of information that she wanted/needed to send her clients, and not a lot of time to do it. So she would pack all this info into one big huge e-mail (if she remembered to send it, that is), also because remembering to send one big e-mail was way more realistic than sending 3-4 smaller e-mails (who has time for that?? or brain juice??) #notme. This lead to overwhelmed clients, or clients who forgot key details day of the shoot. #badnewsbears
Yeah...all this = #chaos

Ok, now let's fast forward to now.
When new leads contact Morgan, INSTANTLY a welcome e-mail is sent out. This happens automatically while I am most likely diffusing toddler tantrums, or changing poopy diapers.
Next, after they decide they want to book, I send out a fancy pants proposal that allows them to pay their deposit and e-sign their contract. After this is done, a welcome e-mail is automatically is sent out with just enough information to get them thinking about their session.
I can then start a 'workflow' which essentially does all the work for me. It sends them reminder e-mails when their deposit is due, sends out a pre-session questionnaire, and sends other important reminders as their session gets closer. I'm answering client questions before they even have a chance to ask them. All automatically while I am away from my computer. #amazing
Between the time they book and when their session date is, there are a few things that need to get done. Dubsado sends me reminders long before anything needs to get done, because hello! #mombrain. I don't have enough brain juice to remember everything, no one does. Add the fact that the hubs is at work 9-5 and we have 4 kiddos 7 and under....let's just say these scheduled reminders are lifesavers!
I can store all important client information in one place. No more diving through e-mails so you can remember the little details. Such a time saver!
Because Dubsado does a lot of the work for me, I've been able to rest easy knowing that the business side of things is being taken care of, so that I can be Mom. I'd call that #winning
Also, their customer service?? AMAZING. Live chat just chilling waiting to answer your questions. I've used this more times than I can count, and have always had my questions answered.
Click the link below to check it out. They even have a free trial so you can test the waters. Try it. Seriously.
You can thank me later.

Morgan Bruneel is based in Coeur d Alene, Idaho. Outdoor sessions are available from late March till the end of November. Fall Family Session in particular fill very fast so it is recommended you book 2-3 months in advance. In family sessions we focus on family connections, rather than trying to get everyone smiling looking at the camera. We run, play, tickle, laugh and create authentic family moments.
For first pick of session dates, be sure to follow me in IG! Link below.